Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hey everyone,
I've been unable to write you all for a while because my Daddy has been working more. Sorry about that. Things are going great for me. I enjoy many pastimes throughout my day. One of my newest favorites is playing with my stuffed animal dogs. Here I am smiling at Crazydogg (that's his ear in the corner).

Dalmation is a much calmer dog. Here I am taking a little snooze with Dalmation. He's a good nap buddy.

When Daddy comes home, sometimes he lays next to me to look at Crazydogg. We have fun.

Crazydogg has crazy eyes!

Another activity I've learned to appreaciate is bath time. Mmmmm. The water is so warm all over me.'s the only time I'm allowed to hang out without my diaper. Naked is fun.

"Hey! Whoa... Mommy, what are you doing with my arm???"

When tired of playing with my toys, I turn to more sophisticated pastimes, like reading. When my parents are around, they want me to read books like Fox in Sox, Clifford, and Skipito. But when they're gone, I indulge in more interesting literature. Here Daddy caught me with one of his books.

Going on trips is also exciting. Here are Mommy and I at Nani & Papi's. I never got a picture with Nani and Papi on this trip. I hope I will next time.

Well, I love you all! Hope to see you.

Love, Joey III


At 2:23 PM, Blogger Cy Alexander said...

Hey dude. It's your buddy, Cy. We met a couple times when we were inside our mommys' bellies. I liked you then, but I love you now that I've seen your sweet pics. We both have bright blond hair. You have a little more than I do (lucky). Since you are 6 whole weeks older than me, I'll be looking up to you. So set a good example!
Hope to see you soon.
Love, Cy


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