Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ga, Ga, Goo & Standing Too

Hello Friends!!!
I've been SO busy that I haven't had time to think of anything funny or cute to say. Mostly I just say, "Ga, Ga," "Da, Da," "Ma, Ma," "Ba, Ba" and other equally interesting things. Therefore, rather than paragraphs full of single syllables, I think I'll just give you a short caption for each picture like last month. Love you!
Swinging at Uncle John, Autie Sarah, & cousins Nehemiah, Sammy, & Miriam's house

This is my very own porcelain drum.

Who put this silly sun hat on me??

I am coming over the pot. No one can stop me!

My dog and I are getting out of this tub.

A day at the beach with daddy

I love when Mommy reads to me. "Many more monkeys drumming on drums."

"I found you!"

If only I could eat ALL the cheerios at once.

I LOVE my Mom!

Let me through this gate. Please!

I'm going to get this standing thing.

Look at this huge, fast train.

Don't look now, but I'm standing!

This is my soup-pot drum (also doubles as a standing aid, toy bin, and chew toy)

Well family & friends, I love you all. Hope to see you soon.



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