Friday, July 27, 2007

BIG Fun...

Hi Everybody!!!

I'm so excited to give you another update on life! The last couple months have been busy. We took a BIG bye bye to Grandpa Bruce house, Uncle Kaa (Zack) had a BIG wedding, and Mama got a BIG tummy. Everything is BIG (especially me)!!

We drove 5 hours to see Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Debbi in Newport, Oregon. Grandma Debbie has a BIG garden with lots of pretty flowers ("Daddy said no pick flowers!")

Grandpa Bruce let me pick BIG strawberries! They were SO good.

They had a LITTLE chair for a BIG boy on the deck. I liked it.

They had a BIG hammock! I love the hammock.

Grandma Debbi gave me a BIG snack. Thank you Grandma Debbi!

Grandmpa Bruce let me help him move a BIG pile of dirt. Hee he he! Dirt.

I also got to ride on Grandpa Bruce's BIG tractor, just like last year!

Nanny and I played on a BIG playground with a Hummer I could drive.

At Uncle Zaaack's BIG wedding, my uncles threw uncle Zack really high. Aunt Sarah was Beautiful! I love her.

Daddy threw me (the ring bearer) up really high too! It was AWESOME!

At home, I got to play with a BIG sponge and get all wet! AWESOME!

Kelsey (my neighbor) and Marcus (my buddie) come to play a lot and help take care of Mommy and Baby Ben. Marcus sure is getting BIG.

Here's me, Mommy, Baby Ben (in Mama's tummy), and the BIG book!

I love you all! I'll be BIG when you next see me!

Love, Joey III


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Joey, My you get more handsome with each blog. Tell your Daddy that we appreciate each publication because watching you grow is wonderful! My love and God Bless you, Aunt Nancy

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Dear Joey,

You look so much like your daddy and you are getting so BIG! Sorry we were not able to meet at your Uncle Zack’s wedding. Tell your Mommy & Daddy that you are all in my prayers & I am looking forward to seeing your new baby brother soon.
Take care & God bless you.
Julie Johnson


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