Thursday, September 22, 2005

Smiling, Smiling Smiling!

Hello all!
I hope you are well! Since we last spoke I've developed a new skill, SMILING!

In addition to the fine arts of pooping, peeing, eating, crying, and sleeping, I now have the ability to break out into strings of cute cooing noises and little smiles.

It is SO fun! Mommy & Daddy are like putty in my hands as I woo them with my cuteness. When I'm really on a role, Daddy will call me his "little cuteling" and make goofy faces back at me.

After I wake of from one of my many naps, Mommy always feeds me and then I'm in the mood for smiling. My favorite place in the whole world is my changing table. I love to lay there with no pants on, smile, smile, and then smile. It's great.

My friend Marco was over the other day and we worked on smiling together. In this picutre, our Mommys were making faces at us and we were just contemplating how to respond. We decided to smile.

Well, all this smiling has worn me out. I think I'll cry for a bit and then catch a nap.

Love you all!! Joey

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Crying & Bliss

My dear friends and my wonderful family,

Howzit? My life of bliss has continued here in Dupont. Waited on hand and foot, or more appropriately mouth and bum, by my Mommy and Daddy is a dream. My neck is getting stronger and stronger, and Daddy says it won't be long till I can hold my big gord up without the sporatic lurch. Yesterday, while Daddy was burping me, I lurched and headbutt Daddy. It was funny so I cried. My favorite activity is still sleeping. Here I am doing it.

When not sleeping, I enjoy looking out the window at light, or looking at Mommy and Daddy if they're lucky. Here I am looking at them. They are nice.

When I get tired of looking out the window, I fuss and Mommy will sometimes put me in the Baby Bjorn. I love that! Usually I fall asleep.

The only time I'm upset is when I try to tell Mommy or Daddy something and they can't figure it out. I've devised a system of cries so they can know what the problem is, but I don't think they get it yet. Maybe you can help them. Check out the pictures and see if you can figure me out.






You see, it's simple. I hope they learn soon. Oh, before I go, I wanted to introduce you to me friend Marco. His daddy is an ER Resident with my Daddy (that's what they say anyway, I don't really know what it means...). His mommy and my mommy are friends. We do lots of fun stuff together, like cry, eat, sleep, fill our diapers, you know, all the stuff good friends do.

Well I should go. I love you all!!! Hope to see you soon. Love, Joey

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hangin' with the Fam!

Hello my dear friends & family,

What can I say, I've been so busy drinking breastmilk, sleeping, and filling my diapers that I've forgotten to keep you all in the loop. Well, here's the scoop. The last 2 weeks have been just great! My mommy is SO wonderful. She spends her days feeding me, cuddling me, changing me, and loving me. I LOVE HER! If she keeps this up I may consider sleeping through the night someday. But not yet, I can't go without seeing her for that long.

Then there's my daddy. He seems to go off to work and study a lot. When I'm lucky, he lets me sleep in the Baby Bjorn while he reads. I like to feel his heartbeat against my chest.

I also got to meet my Great Grandpa & Grandma Mazzoncini recently! They seem very nice. My Great Grandma held me for a long time and I loved it! I hope we get to go see them again.

I also got to meet all of my cousins and the whole hires/mazzoncini clan last week! I can't wait to big enough to go to cousins camp at Nani & Papi Hires' place. I was the only one left out this year. I heard there was no breatmilk there though, so I'm glad I stayed home.

Well, I've got to get back to sleep now. I love you all! Nighty night!
Joey III