"Hello Mama"
Here Daddy and I are pulling gooey guck out of the pumpkin. "ICKY!"
After carving the pumpkin, I got to sit inside. "HI."
Sometimes when Mama is busy I get into the pantry and make a mess. "NO, NO!"
In Portland I went to the Children's Museum and got to play in the water. Daddy takes me swimming now and we play in the water there too. "SPLASH, SPLASH!"
Check out my "BOO (ts)" and my belly button. Do you have one?
This is my Great Grandpa Mazzoncini. He's cool. We had a staring contest.
This is my new Wagon! It's SO Big.
Christmas is Great. Look at all my loot!
Oops! You found me. Pay no attention to the boy with all the diapers.
"FOOTBALL!" Matt Hasselback has nothing on me. If I was quarterback, we'd be in the superbowl.
Check out this cold white stuff outside our house. If I could move in all these clothes, it would be fun to play in.
Hey, why are you all upside down??
A pantsless boy is a happy boy. Mama, this is so embarrassing.
Well, I've got to go. I love you all.
Joey III