BIG Fun...
Hi Everybody!!!
I'm so excited to give you another update on life! The last couple months have been busy. We took a BIG bye bye to Grandpa Bruce house, Uncle Kaa (Zack) had a BIG wedding, and Mama got a BIG tummy. Everything is BIG (especially me)!!
We drove 5 hours to see Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Debbi in Newport, Oregon. Grandma Debbie has a BIG garden with lots of pretty flowers ("Daddy said no pick flowers!")
Grandpa Bruce let me pick BIG strawberries! They were SO good.
They had a LITTLE chair for a BIG boy on the deck. I liked it.
They had a BIG hammock! I love the hammock.
Grandma Debbi gave me a BIG snack. Thank you Grandma Debbi!
Grandmpa Bruce let me help him move a BIG pile of dirt. Hee he he! Dirt.
I also got to ride on Grandpa Bruce's BIG tractor, just like last year!
Nanny and I played on a BIG playground with a Hummer I could drive.
Nanny and I played on a BIG playground with a Hummer I could drive.